News and Events
Current exhibits, presentations, readings, and other notable Thurber occasions.

The Art of James Thurber
Columbus Museum of Art
Saturday 24 August 2019 — Sunday 15 March 2020.

James Thurber
Biographical notes and links to other resources in print and on the Web.

New Books
In 2019, the year of Thurber's 125th birthday, two new volumes join the humorist's bookshelf, both of which contain unpublished treasures.
Books in Print

The Complete Thurber Bookshelf
All of the books that Thurber wrote or illustrated both in his lifetime and those published posthumously. (Does not include editions that are selections, repackaging, or anthologies.)

A suite of of cartoons and images by Thurber

The Thurber House
A literary center in James Thurber’s boyhood home

Key Thurber Sites to Explore
Readings, Videos, and Articles

Comments and Curios
A compendium of rare finds, commentaries by contemporaries, and unseen curiosities by James Thurber
