A Miles and a Half of Lines: The Art of James Thurber
The Thurber Letters
The Dog Department: James Thurber on Hounds, Scotties, and Talking Poodles
People Have More Fun Than Anybody: A Centennial Celebration of Drawings and Writings by James Thurber
Collecting Himself: James Thurber on Writing and Writers, Humor and Himself
Selected Letters of James Thurber

Thurber & Company
A Thurber Carnival (a musical review)
Credos and Curios
Lanterns and Lances
The Years with Ross

Alarms and Diversions
The Wonderful O
Further Fables for Our Time
Thurber’s Dogs

Thurber Country
The Thurber Album: A Collection of Pieces About People
The 13 Clocks
The Beast in Me and Other Animals

The White Deer
The Thurber Carnival
The Great Quillow
Men, Women and Dogs
Many Moons

My World—And Welcome to It
The Male Animal (with Elliott Nugent)
Fables for Our Time and Famous Poems Illustrated
The Last Flower
Let Your Mind Alone! And Other More or Less Inspirational Pieces
The Middle-Aged Man on the Flying Trapeze
My Life and Hard Times
The Seal in the Bedroom and Other Predicaments
The Owl in the Attic and Other Perplexities
Is Sex Necessary? Or Why You Feel the Way You Do (with E. B. White)